
The Almost Perfect Hunting Capabilities Of The Owl

There are few birds that are more interesting than the owl. It is also one of the most skilled bird predators aroundContrary to most birds, the owl has eyes in the front of its head Syma S800G instead of on the sides, marking it as a predator. Having eyes in the front lets them look down on and target their prey with amazing accuracy. Not only that, but owls have superior night vision which gives them an edge over many other predators when hunting at night. However, although impressive, their eyes are not perfect.For one, owls cannot see in color. Everything is black and white and shades of gray to them. Also, owls eyes are fixed in their head. So, in order to see from side to side, they have to rotate their head. Fortunately, they can do this better than any other bird. They can rotate their heads as much as three quarters of a turn which allows them to see practically all around them without moving. In addition, each of their eyes move independently. This gives them the ability to simultaneously monitor and focus on two items of interest at once.Almost as amazing as the owls eyes are its ears. In a similar fashion as a bat, owls can pretty accurately nail the location of prey by sound alone. And,similar to the bat, owls possess outsized ears that are molded in an almost perfect manner that allows them to pick up sounds. And, while their auditory abilities may not be as sophisticated as that of the bat, their ears do give them the ability to accurately find prey in pitch black. This gives owls the phenomenal ability to pinpoint prey solely by sound, confirm the prey with their eyes, and then silently strike before the prey even knows that it is the target of an attack.The same as with their sight, however, owls do discount nail art have a flaw in their hearing abilities. The range of their hearing is more narrow than that of many other birds. Owls cannot hear sounds below seventy cycles per second. This is like an auditory blind spot for them.One of the main thing that owls are famous for is their impressive stealth hunting abilities. They primarily dine on tiny mammals, from time to time other birds, and field mice and other rodents. Its wings are formed in such a way that they dampen sounds in flight. This means that they can be remarkably silent when they attack. Prey often depends, to an extent, on sounds to give them warning of an impending attack. But, due to its stealth flight capabilities, the owl's prey often never know an attack is coming cheap nail art until it's too late.Unless you are a night person, the odds of your actually seeing an owl in action is rare, as they are mostly night creatures. They mostly sleep during the day. But they truly are one of the most interesting birds to observe when in action.