
Beyond Blue Baby Gifts For Him

Blue for a boy, pink for a girl, and white for either; that is the tradition in the UK, but where on earth did it start and why did we follow those rules so closely? It is an automatic reflex that if you see a baby dressed in blue you say to the doting parent 'What a lovely little boy'. Likewise, a baby dressed in pink or sitting in a pink buggy is greeted with 'Who's a pretty little girl then?' When you stare into the pram of a baby who is dressed in white, you are absolutely flummoxed as to whether this is a boy or girl and you have to address the child or its parents in a carefully phrased 'What's your name, little person?' For all we know, those parents of the said babies could well be playing with our minds in order to conduct an anthropological survey on the attitudes of people to obvious symbols in relation to gender, by exchanging the gender related colour codes. Let us not get too philosophical about the whole issue, but I do think it would be great fun to swap the two colours in order to confuse those intensely conventional people, even if only for one day. I am not suggesting, however, that when you come to finding baby gifts for a new baby boy, for a birth, Christening, birthday or other important event in his life, you should head for Air Swimmers the pink baby gifts. Oh, no. The world is not ready quite yet for this huge change in tradition. However, if you wish to avoid the whole blue/pink issue you can find some fabulous and imaginative personalised baby gifts for a boy. After all, there will be plenty of blue baby gifts and cards being presented to him, and probably bunches of blue flowers for the incredibly talented new mum, before they have even left the Maternity Ward. It is so ingrained in our psyches that it is very hard not to relate to the whole blue issue.When thinking of baby gifts, we so often forget about the one who has done all the hard work, the mama. Let's start by giving her a lovely bar of Personalised Chocolate with It's a Boy printed across its special wrapper, which also includes a personal message from you. 100 grams of milk chocolate awaits the loving parents, but to be quite honest I think that the new mum should scoff the lot herself. She needs to keep her strength up. OK, I know a touch of blue is involved in the lettering on the wrapper, but the chocolate is brown, and yummy, and not to be shared. I expect the new dad may be feeling more than a tad neglected when the new little fella in his woman's life makes his long awaited appearance. The poor man will not know which way is up, and to cap it all, she has gone and eaten all that chocolate that was surely a baby gifts for both of them without offering him a crumb. So, to compensate for this, why not pamper him and his lovely new son with a pair of T shirts, with more than a touch of humour and very wearable. This wonderful baby gift is a Pint and Half Pint T Shirt for both of the new double act, and produced in white with black design to the front, this baby gift will be worn and washed over and over, to fast become a popular Air Swimmers item in those 2 guys' wardrobes.Baby gifts for mum, dad and of course the little boy himself are wonderful things to buy, and it would be nice to know that your baby gift to the baby will be loved, hugged and cherished for years and years. We are talking teddies here, but not just any old run of the mill teddy. The Personalised Top Teddy Bear is a great baby gift and has such a cute face full of character and expression that even a grown up will want to give it a hug. Fudgie Bear has a humorous smile and bright eyes, with a soft brown curly fur that is so appealing to the touch. Fudgie is over 40cm Air Swimmers high, and this big fella wears a cute hoodie top, personalised with your message or the baby's name. Whatever you want to say, here's your chance to say it with this charming baby gift.All kids adore the magic appeal of dragons, so a lovely baby gifts for the new baby boy's room is a colourful and bright canvas picture of a Magic Dragon, personalised with his own name. He will love this special picture and enjoy the company of his new friend, the funky purple dragon, and he will go on loving his baby gift for many years to come.

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