
Game of church advertising

We are living in the world of the constant competition where every one is competing with others and in this race they are taking the use of advertisements to alert the consumers and make them aware of the range of their products and services. Similar is true with the Christian church advertising. In the constant attempt of increasing their member base, Christian churches are taking the use of advertisers to make the news of their different activities reach the church goers. But this has been surrounded by the controversy over the morals and whether it is appropriate for a church or whatever other religious place for that matter to use advertising to increase their members. In the efforts of making the viewpoint and services of a Christian church reach to the audience, advertisers at times Hublot sell some unneeded material things through the advertisements. And when this has been asked from the advertiser, generally most common reply is that it is not them who are deciding on the Watches content of the advertisements but they are the consumers. It is cause in this world of the capitalism and consumerism, it is the consumer who decides what he or she wishes. For instance, it is like a theme of the movie, whether audience desire to see it or not, if not, it will be rejected by the audiences and in that case, no other person will dare to use the theme and go into the loses.Similarly, they argue that it is the audience who desire to see the ads which are available presently in the current form. They too back it with the TRPs and readership survey and argue that if the Movado audience are not in consonance with the content of the advertisements than how can there be constantly increasing TRPs and readerships of such ads. As well, they are of the view that if the government or the moral brigade will put Watches too some restrictions on an advertiser, it will be impossible for him to follow Chaumet after his Ulysse Nardin Watches or her creative surge. Of course, they agree that a certain degree of the self restriction is necessary but according to them it ought be the sole right of the advertiser and under his jurisdiction, he ought decide that whether a particular advertisement has any objectionable content or not. However, the moral brigade and the social activists argue that these are precisely an excuse and could not be considered as the church advertisements are something that wants to be closely observed and should in all circumstances take care of the moral values. They are also of the opinion that such views could hold an advertiser only partially responsible and distract him or her from the moral and the societal responsibilities. Hence, in the advertisements, they say, it is not only the moral and ethical values that an advertiser has to take care of but likewise the social values. For instance, in some conservative Christian societies, it will be too much for them to handle an ad showing a lady bishop while the modern ones are likely to live with it with less difficulty.

